Stoma prolapse can be very problematic for children and adults and as a surgeon I have had to revise and resect bowel related to this often difficult issue.The NAD splint made an incredible difference to this patient and saved him from further surgery,allowed him to be active and enjoy life without the constant threat of prolapse.I recommend this device for any patient with stoma prolapse when stoma closure is not imminent as it can improve quality of life without undergoing surgery.
-Dr. Robin Eccles, Calgary, Alberta
Recurrent stoma prolapses significantly affected quality of life in this child, making it difficult to participate in physical activities, interrupting sleep, and requiring his primary care giver to be constantly available to manage his ostomy. This splint significantly reduced the number of prolapses and allowed him to participate in sports, reduced discomfort from the prolapses and gave him more independence. It also prevented attempts at surgical correction. I would highly recommend a trial of this splint in any child with recurrent ostomy prolapses.
-Dr. Nicola Wright, Calgary, Alberta
As parents and grandparents,we have personally witnessed the love, care and advocacy that Anne has given to her son Noel over the past several years. The research and development of the NAD Ostomy Splint and Belts exemplifies Anne’s’ determination to achieve the best possible care and quality of life for Noel. Now, she and Darlene have made this NAD Ostomy Splint and Belt available to other professional therapists interested in helping other ostomates deal with prolapses and realize a better lifestyle. We commend all involved with this project especially Anne, Darlene and Noel.
-Liz and Tony R., Dundas, Ontario